Chairman of the Board,Executive Director,Member of the Nomination Committee
Vice Chairman of the Board,Executive Director
Executive Director,Member of Other Special Committees of the Board of Directors,股份激励委员会委员
Executive Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Chairman of Other Special Committees of the Board of Directors
Independent Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Audit Committee Chairman,股份激励委员会委员
Independent Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Chairman of the Nomination Committee,Audit Committee Member,股份激励委员会委员
Independent Director,Chairman of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Audit Committee Member,Member of Other Special Committees of the Board of Directors,股份激励委员会主席
Independent Director,Member of the Remuneration and Assessment Committee,Member of the Nomination Committee,Audit Committee Member,Member of Other Special Committees of the Board of Directors,股份激励委员会委员