Press Release: Half-Yearly Report: Hot Chili Limited and Controlled Entities Interim Financial Report for the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2024

Dow Jones
14 Mar

Half-Yearly Report: Hot Chili Limited and Controlled Entities Interim Financial Report for the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2024

PR Newswire

PERTH, Australia, March 14, 2025

PERTH, Australia, March 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -

Review of Operations


   -- Hot Chili adds former La Verde Copper Mine (La Verde) to its Costa Fuego 
      coastal copper hub and confirms significant Cu-Au porphyry discovery. 
   -- Costa Fuego Cu-Au Pre-feasibility Study $(PFS)$: Final Stages Underway. 
   -- Huasco Water -- Water Supply PFS: Nearing Completion. 
   -- 31 December 2024 cash position A$19 million. 

Hot Chili Confirms Major Cu-Au Porphyry Discovery at La Verde

On 11 February 2025, the Company announced new drill results from ten Reverse Circulation $(RC)$ drill holes, confirming La Verde as a significant copper-gold porphyry discovery in low elevation coastal Chile, with broad, consistently mineralised intersections extending over 300 m vertically, commencing at shallow depths.

Drilling confirms scale & growth potential*

   -- Wide, shallow mineralisation -- current discovery footprint extends 550 m 
      by 400 m and remains open in all directions. 
   -- Deeper potential remains untapped -- Mineralisation commences from 
      shallow depths, extends to more than 300m below surface, and 8 of 12 
      drill holes reported to date end in mineralisation at the limit of RC 
      drilling depth capability. 
   -- Gravel cover masking potentially much larger porphyry system -- step-out 
      drilling underway. 
   -- Potential below the historical oxide copper open pit untested -- drill 
      testing yet to commence. 
   -- Major discovery in its infancy -- every drill hole has intersected 
      porphyry-style, copper-gold mineralisation (refer to Table 1 for details 
      on significant intercepts). 

As at 11 February 2025, Hot Chili had completed 19 RC drill holes (5,700 m) at La Verde, with assay results from 12 holes reported so far confirming a major copper-gold porphyry discovery* in Chile's coastal range, with assays pending for seven additional RC holes, with geological logging confirming the presence of porphyry host-rock featuring porphyry-style A- and B-type veining in each of the pending drill holes.

Diamond drilling being planned, targeting potential for deeper, higher-grade zones intersected at depth and to test potential for +1km vertical depth extent, typical of other recent major porphyry discoveries, such as Hot Chili's neighbouring Cortadera discovery, *La Verde Mineral Exploration/Exploration Target Area: Exploration targets and/or Exploration zones and/or Exploration areas are speculative and there is no certainy that any future work or evaluation will lead to the definition of a mineral resource.

Adjacent Properties: The Company has no interest in, or rights to, any of the 
adjacent properties mentioned, and exploration results on adjacent properties 
are not necessarily indicative of mineralization on the Company's properties. 
Any references to exploration results or mineral occurrences on adjacent 
properties are provided for information only and do not imply any certainty of 
achieving similar results on the Company's properties. 
Notes to Table 1: Significant intercepts for La Verde are calculated above a 
nominal cut-off grade of 0.2% Cu. Where appropriate, significant intersections 
may contain up to 30m down-hole distance of internal dilution (less than 0.2% 
Cu). Significant intersections are separated where internal dilution is 
greater than 30m down-hole distance. The selection of 0.2% Cu for significant 
intersection cut-off grade is aligned with marginal economic cut-off grade for 
bulk tonnage polymetallic copper deposits of similar grade in Chile and 
elsewhere in the world. 
(1) Previously released significant intercepts. See announcement dated 18(th) 
December 2024 

Hot Chili adds La Verde to its Costa Fuego Coastal Copper Hub

In November 2024, Hot Chili executed an Option Agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the historical La Verde Copper Mine (La Verde), located 30 km south of the Company's low-altitude, Costa Fuego copper-gold project in Chile (Figure 1).

La Verde encompasses 800m strike length of open pit workings, previously exploited by private interests for shallow copper-oxide mineralisation.

The La Verde Option Agreement, along with the recently executed Domeyko Option Agreement (see announcement dated 30(th) April 2024), for the first time consolidates and provides access to, a much larger potential porphyry copper deposit footprint measuring approximately 1.4km by 1.2km, based on geophysical surveys.

The material terms of the executed La Verde Option Agreement are as follows:

Hot Chili's 100% owned subsidiary Sociedad Minera La Frontera SpA ("Frontera") has executed a definitive option agreement with SLM Los Dominiceros una de la Sierra Los Chiqueros ("SLM Dominoceros"), the holder of a 100% interest in the concession comprising La Verde, for the grant to Frontera of an option to acquire a 100% interest in the La Verde concession ("La Verde Option Agreement").

   -- Non-refundable cash payment of US$320,000 to SLM Dominoceros upon grant 
      of the La Verde Option Agreement. 
   -- Non-refundable cash payment of US$680,000 within 12 months from the grant 
      of the La Verde Option Agreement. 
   -- Non-refundable cash payment of US$1,000,000 within 24 months from the 
      grant of the La Verde Option Agreement. 
   -- Option may be exercised within 36 months of the date of grant of the La 
      Verde Option for a final non-refundable cash payment of US$6,890,000. 

Costa Fuego Cu-Au Pre-feasibility Study (PFS): Final Stages Underway

During the period, Hot Chili completed key workstreams for Costa Fuego's PFS and Environmental Impact Assessment $(EIA)$, achieving milestones in metallurgy, mining, infrastructure, and environmental planning.


   -- Finalized metallurgical testwork using Nova Mineralis Novaminore$(R)$ 
      technology, which leverages saline water and regulated irrigation cycles 
      for enhanced chalcopyrite recovery from heap leaching of low grade 
   -- Demonstrated reduced freshwater dependency, aligning with Costa Fuego's 
      planned seawater processing. 
   -- Results informed predictive models for copper recovery and acid 
      consumption, optimizing the mine schedule. 


   -- Mine scheduling finalised using advanced software, incorporating feed 
      from four open pits (Productora, Cortadera, Alice, and San Antonio) and 
      an underground block cave at Cortadera. 
   -- Multiple schedule iterations prioritized lower pre-start capital, faster 
      payback, and optimized production rates. 
   -- Initial capital and operating cost estimates were completed, with further 
      optimization underway for inclusion in the PFS financial model. 


   -- Finalized site layout, including placement of heap/dump leach pads, waste 
      dumps, stockpiles, mill site, tailings storage, and support buildings. 
   -- Integrated surface water management systems, including diversion channels 
      and dewatering infrastructure. 
   -- Ongoing road optimization to align with the mining schedule. 


   -- Advanced EIA preparation with additional hydrogeological and geotechnical 
      investigations planned for 2025. 
   -- Completed collection of 122 rock samples for acid rock drainage $(ARD)$ and 
      metal leaching $(ML)$ tests to inform long-term infrastructure and mine 
      closure planning. 
   -- Conducted baseline environmental studies and integrated results into 
      design decisions. 

Huasco Water -- Water Supply PFS: Nearing Completion

During the quarter, Hot Chili's 80% owned subsidiary company Huasco Water continued to progress its PFS-level, water supply Business Case Study. Key deliverables finalised this quarter by international engineering firm ILF Group, include:

   -- Evaluation of marine works and the conveyance system to Costa Fuego and 
      other potential third-party off-takers 
   -- Completion of trade-off studies, including desalination plant (technology, 
      location, and sizing), and pipeline configuration (routing and location 
      of pumping stations) for potential third party off-takers. Note that 
      Costa Fuego does not require desalinated water for processing. 
   -- Optimisation of capital cost estimates for the initial stage of seawater 
      supply to Costa Fuego 
   -- Options for third party water supply, including desalinated water, 
      continue to advance 

Huasco Water controls the only active granted maritime water concession and most of the necessary permits to provide non-continental water supply to the Huasco Valley, following over a decade of permitting advancement for Hot Chili's coastal range Costa Fuego copper-gold project.

Uniquely, Huasco Water represents an opportunity for Hot Chili to potentially outsource its water infrastructure capital requirements in addition to providing significant additional funding optionality for Costa Fuego.

Hot Chili is continuing its discussions with potential water off-takers in the Huasco Valley and is also engaging with major water infrastructure groups in relation to potential partnership opportunities for financing and development of Huasco Water's future industrial water infrastructure.

Qualifying Statements

The Mineral Resource summary for the Costa Fuego Project is presented in Table 2.

(1)   Mineral Resources are reported on a 100% Basis - combining Mineral 
      Resource estimates for the Cortadera, Productora, Alice and San Antonio 
      deposits. All figures are rounded, reported to appropriate significant 
      figures and reported in accordance with the Joint Ore Reserves Committee 
      Code (2012) and NI 43-101. Mineral Resource estimation practices are in 
      accordance with CIM Estimation of Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve 
      Best Practice Guidelines (November 29, 2019) and CIM Environmental, 
      Social and Governance Guidelines for Mineral Resources and Mineral 
      Reserve Estimation (September 8, 2023) and reported in accordance CIM 
      Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May 10, 
      2014) that are incorporated by reference into NI 43-101. 
(2)   The Productora deposit is 100% owned by Chilean incorporated company 
      Sociedad Minera El Aguila SpA $(SMEA.UK)$. SMEA is a joint venture (JV) 
      company -- 80% owned by Sociedad Minera El Corazón Limitada (a 100% 
      subsidiary of Hot Chili Limited), and 20% owned by Compañía 
      Minera del Pacífico S.A $(CMP)$. 
(3)   The Cortadera deposit is controlled by a Chilean incorporated company 
      Sociedad Minera La Frontera SpA (Frontera). Frontera is a subsidiary 
      company -- 100% owned by Sociedad Minera El Corazón Limitada, which 
      is a 100% subsidiary of Hot Chili Limited. 
(4)   The San Antonio deposit is controlled through Frontera (100% owned by 
      Sociedad Minera El Corazón Limitada, which is a 100% subsidiary of 
      Hot Chili Limited) and Frontera has an Option Agreement to earn a 100% 
(5)   The Mineral Resource Estimates in the tables above form coherent bodies 
      of mineralisation that are considered amenable to a combination of open 
      pit and underground extraction methods based on the following 
      parameters: Base Case Metal Prices: Copper US$ 3.00/lb, Gold US$ 
      1,700/oz, Molybdenum US$ 14/lb, and Silver US$20/oz. 
(6)   All Mineral Resource Estimates were assessed for Reasonable Prospects of 
      Eventual Economic Extraction (RPEEE) using both Open Pit and Block Cave 
      Extraction mining methods at Cortadera and Open Pit mining methods at 
      Productora, Alice and San Antonio. 
(7)   Metallurgical recovery averages for each deposit consider Indicated + 
      Inferred material and are weighted to combine sulphide flotation and 
      oxide leaching performance. Process recoveries: 
      Cortadera -- Weighted recoveries of 82% Cu, 55% Au, 81% Mo and 36% 
      Ag. CuEq(%) = Cu(%) + 0.55 x Au(g/t) + 0.00046 x Mo(ppm) + 0.0043 x 
      San Antonio - Weighted recoveries of 85% Cu, 66% Au, 80% Mo and 63% 
      Ag. CuEq(%) = Cu(%) + 0.64 x Au(g/t) + 0.00044 x Mo(ppm) + 0.0072 x 
      Alice - Weighted recoveries of 81% Cu, 47% Au, 52% Mo and 37% 
      Ag. CuEq(%) = Cu(%) + 0.48 x Au(g/t) + 0.00030 x Mo(ppm) + 0.0044 x 
      Productora -- Weighted recoveries of 84% Cu, 47% Au, 48% Mo and 18% 
      Ag. CuEq(%) = Cu(%) + 0.46 x Au(g/t) + 0.00026 x Mo(ppm) + 0.0021 x 
      Costa Fuego -- Recoveries of 83% Cu, 53% Au, 71% Mo and 26% Ag. CuEq(%) 
      = Cu(%) + 0.53 x Au(g/t) + 0.00040 x Mo(ppm) + 0.0030 x Ag(g/t) 
(8)    Copper Equivalent (CuEq) grades are calculated based on the formula: 
       CuEq% = ((Cu% × Cu price 1% per tonne × Cu_recovery) + (Mo 
       ppm × Mo price per g/t × Mo_recovery) + (Au ppm × Au 
       price per g/t × Au_recovery) + (Ag ppm × Ag price per g/t 
       × Ag_recovery)) / (Cu price 1% per tonne × Cu recovery). The 
       base case cut-off grade for Mineral Resources considered amenable to 
       open pit extraction methods at the Cortadera, Productora, Alice and San 
       Antonio deposits is 0.20% CuEq, while the cut-off grade for Mineral 
       Resources considered amenable to underground extraction methods at the 
       Cortadera deposit is 0.27% CuEq. 
(9)   Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and do not have demonstrated 
      economic viability. These Mineral Resource estimates include Inferred 
      Mineral Resources that are considered too speculative geologically to 
      have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to 
      be categorised as Mineral Reserves. It is reasonably expected that the 
      majority of Inferred mineral resources could be upgraded to Measured or 
      Indicated Mineral Resources with continued exploration. 
(10)  The effective date of the estimate of Mineral Resources for the period 
      ending June 30 2024 is February 23rd, 2024. Refer to ASX Announcement 
      "Hot Chili Indicated Resource at Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project 
      Increases to 798 Mt " for JORC Table 1 information in this statement 
      related to the Costa Fuego Mineral Resource Estimate $(MRE.AU)$ by Competent 
      Person Elizabeth Haren, who is also a qualified person (within the 
      meaning of NI 43-101) constituting the MREs of Cortadera, Productora, 
      Alice and San Antonio (which combine to form Costa Fuego). Hot Chili 
      confirms it is not aware of any new information or data that materially 
      affects the information included in the Resource Announcement and all 
      material assumptions and technical parameters stated for the Mineral 
      Resource Estimates in the Resource Announcement continue to apply and 
      have not materially changed. 
(11)  Hot Chili Limited is not aware of political, environmental or other 
      risks that could materially affect the potential development of the 
      Mineral Resources. 

The references to mineral resource estimates in this Half-yearly Report have been extracted from the estimate of mineral resources contained in the Company's announcement to ASX dated 26 February 2024 "Hot Chili Indicated Resource at Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project Increases to 798 Mt", a copy of which is available on the Company's website at www.hotchili. The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in this report about the Company's mineral resources and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the mineral resource estimates continue to apply and have not materially changed.

The references to exploration results in this Annual Report have been extracted from the Company's announcements to ASX dated 3 August 2023, "Hot Chili Commences 30,000m Drill Programme at Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project", 28 August 2023, "Hot Chili Signs Binding Letter of Intent for Option to Acquire Cometa Project in Chile", 15 November 2023 "Hot Chili Continues to Expand its Costa Fuego Coastal Copper Hub in Chile", 23 January 2024, "Hot Chili Commences Next Phase of Resource Expansion Drilling Programme at Costa Fuego" and 30 April 2024 "Hot Chili Secures Large Addition to its Costa Fuego Coastal Copper Hub in Chile", copies of which are available on the Company's website at The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in this report about the Company's exploration results.

Qualified Persons -- NI 43-101

The information pertaining to the Mineral Resource Estimates included in this Report has been reviewed and approved by Ms. Elizabeth Haren (FAUSIMM $(CP)$ & MAIG) of Haren Consulting Pty Ltd. All other scientific and technical information in this Report has been reviewed and approved by Mr Christian Easterday, MAIG, Hot Chili's Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. Each of Ms. Haren and Mr. Easterday are a qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101.

Competent Person's Statement - JORC

The information in this Report that relates to Mineral Resources for Cortadera, Productora (including Alice) and San Antonio which constitute the combined Costa Fuego Project is based on information compiled by Ms Elizabeth Haren, a Competent Person who is a Fellow and Chartered Professional of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Ms Haren is a full-time employee of Haren Consulting Pty Ltd and an independent consultant to Hot Chili. Ms Haren has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and types of deposits under consideration and to the activities undertaken, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code of Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Ms Haren consents to the inclusion in the Report of the matters based on her information in the form and context in which it appears.

The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results for the Cortadera projects is based upon information compiled by Mr Christian Easterday, the Managing Director and a full-time employee of Hot Chili Limited, whom is a Member of the Australasian Institute of Geoscientists $(AIG)$. Mr Easterday has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a 'Competent Person' as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' (JORC Code). Mr Easterday consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.

Production targets and forecast financial information contained in PEA

The information in this report relating to any production targets and forecast financial information derived from the production targets comprised in the statements in this report about the PEA for the Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project was previously reported in the Company's announcement 'Hot Chili Announces PEA for Costa Fuego' (the "Technical Report") released to ASX on 28 June 2023 and is available to view on the Company's website at

For readers to fully understand the information in this Half Year Report, they should read the Technical Report (available on or at ) in its entirety, including all qualifications, assumptions and exclusions that relate to the information set out in this Half Year Report that qualifies the technical information contained in the Technical Report. The Technical Report is intended to be read as a whole, and sections should not be read or relied upon out of context. The technical information in this Half Year Report is subject to the assumptions and qualifications contained in the Report.

The Company confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original market announcement, and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the production targets and forecast financial information derived from the production targets contained in the original market announcement continue to apply and have not materially changed.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Report.

Cautionary Note for U.S. Investors Concerning Mineral Resources

NI 43-101 is a rule of the Canadian Securities Administrators which establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. Technical disclosure contained in this report has been prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum Classification System. These standards differ from the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and resource information contained in this report may not be comparable to similar information disclosed by domestic United States companies subject to the SEC's reporting and disclosure requirements.

All amounts in this report are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.

Forward Looking Statements

This report contains certain statements that are "forward-looking information" within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation and Australian securities legislation (each, a "forward-looking statement"). Forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current expectations, forecasts, and projections with respect to future events, many of which are beyond the Company's control, and are based on certain assumptions. No assurance can be given that these expectations, forecasts, or projections will prove to be correct, and such forward-looking statements included in this report should not be unduly relied upon. Forward-looking information is by its nature prospective and requires the Company to make certain assumptions and is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The use of any of the words "believe", "could", "estimate", "expect", "may", "plan", "potential", "project", "should", "toward", "will", "would" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

The forward-looking statements within this Report are based on information currently available and what management believes are reasonable assumptions. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this report. In addition, this report may contain forward-looking statements attributed to third-party industry sources, the accuracy of which has not been verified by the Company.

In this Report, forward-looking statements relate, among other things, to: projections for and success of the Company and its projects; the ability of the Company to expand mineral resources beyond current mineral resource estimates; the results of current and planned geophysical, soil sampling and other exploration programs, including MIMDAS and Mag; the results and impacts of current and planned drilling to extend mineral resources and identify new deposits; the Company's ability to convert mineral resources to mineral reserves; the timing and outcomes of current and future planned economic studies including the planned PFS and DFS; the potential to develop a water business in the Huasco valley and the future economics thereof; the timing and results of the Water Supply Business Case Study; whether or not a second maritime water extraction permit will be granted; whether or not water offtake agreements and/or infrastructure partner agreements will be entered into and, if so, on what terms; the timing and outcomes of regulatory processes required to obtain permits for the development and operation of the Costa Fuego Project, including the EIA; whether or not the Company will make a development decision and the timing thereof; and estimates of planned exploration costs and the results thereof.

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from a conclusion, forecast or projection contained in the forward-looking statements in this Report, including, but not limited to, the following material factors: operational risks; risks related to the cost estimates of exploration; sovereign risks associated with the Company's operations in Chile; changes in estimates of mineral resources of properties where the Company holds interests; recruiting qualified personnel and retaining key personnel; future financial needs and availability of adequate financing; fluctuations in mineral prices; market volatility; exchange rate fluctuations; ability to exploit successful discoveries; the production at or performance of properties where the Company holds interests; ability to retain title to mining concessions; environmental risks; financial failure or default of joint venture partners, contractors or service providers; competition risks; economic and market conditions; and other risks and uncertainties described elsewhere in this report and elsewhere in the Company's public disclosure record.

Although the forward-looking statements contained in this Report are based upon assumptions which the Company believes to be reasonable, the Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. With respect to forward-looking statements contained in this Report, the Company has made assumptions regarding: future commodity prices and demand; availability of skilled labour; timing and amount of capital expenditures; future currency exchange and interest rates; the impact of increasing competition; general conditions in economic and financial markets; availability of drilling and related equipment; effects of regulation by governmental agencies; future tax rates; future operating costs; availability of future sources of funding; ability to obtain financing; and assumptions underlying estimates related to adjusted funds from operations. The Company has included the above summary of assumptions and risks related to forward-looking information provided in this Report to provide investors with a more complete perspective on the Company's future operations, and such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits the Company will derive therefrom.

For additional information with respect to these and other factors and assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements made herein, please refer to the public disclosure record of the Company, including the Company's most recent Annual Report, which is available on SEDAR+ ( under the Company's issuer profile. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all those factors or to assess in advance the impact of each such factor on the Company's business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement.

The forward-looking statements contained in this report are expressly qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements and are made as of the date of this Report. Except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this Report or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, whether as a result of new information, future events or results, or otherwise. Investors should read this entire report and consult their own professional advisors to ascertain and assess the income tax and legal risks and other aspects of an investment.

Director's Report

The Directors of Hot Chili Limited present their report on the consolidated entity consisting of Hot Chili Limited ("the Company" or "Hot Chili") and the entities it controlled ("consolidated entity" or "the Group") at the end of, or during, the half-year ended 31 December 2024.


The following persons held office as directors of Hot Chili Limited at the date of this report or were directors at any time during the half-year ended 31 December 2024, unless otherwise stated:

Dr Nicole Adshead-Bell (Independent Non-Executive Chairman) (Resigned 11 March 2025)

Christian Easterday (Managing Director)

Roberto de Andraca Adriasola (Non-Executive Director)

Mark Jamieson (Non-Executive Director)

Stephen Quin (Independent Non-Executive Director) (Resigned 11 March 2025)

Principal Activities

The principal continuing activity of the consolidated entity is mineral exploration.

Significant Changes in the State of Affairs

During the half year under review, significant changes in the state of affairs of the consolidated entity were as follows:

In November 2024, the Company executed an Option Agreement to acquire a 100% interest in the historical La Verde Copper Mine (La Verde), located 30 km south of the Company's low-altitude, Costa Fuego copper-gold project in Chile.

In December 2024, the Company announced significant copper-gold, porphyry-style mineralisation at La Verde, with 202m grading 0.6% copper, 0.3g/t gold from 70m depth.

Results of Operations for the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2024

The results of the consolidated entity from continuing operations after providing for income tax and non-controlling interest for the half-year ended 31 December 2024 was a loss of $6,509,483 (half-year ended 31 December 2023: loss of $4,131,534).


No dividends were paid or declared since the end of the previous year ending 30 June 2024. The Directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.

Rounding Off of Amounts

The Company is of a kind referred to in ASIC Corporations (Rounding in Financial/Directors' Reports) Instrument 2016/191, dated 24 March 2016, issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. Therefore, the amounts contained in the Directors' Report and in the financial report have been rounded to the nearest dollar in accordance with that Corporations Instrument, unless otherwise stated.

Review of Operations and Qualifying Statements

Refer to the Review of Operations report in Section 1 and associated Qualifying Statements in Section 2.

Matters Subsequent to Reporting Date 31 December 2024

On 6 January 2025, the Company issued 352,913 Service Rights and 366,094 Performance Rights under an employee incentive scheme. The Service and Performance Rights have been issued effective from the individuals start dates with the Company.

On 7 January 2025, announced that 1,850,001 options had expired without exercise or conversion.

On 4 February 2025, the Company announced that 1,259,789 options had expired without exercise or conversion.

On 11 February 2025, Hot Chili reported a second round of strong assay results from its La Verde copper-gold discovery, located approximately 30km south of the Company's Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project planned central processing hub at low elevation in the coastal range of the Atacama region, Chile. The Company has now completed 19 RC drill holes (5,700 m) at La Verde, with assay results from 12 holes reported so far confirming a major copper-gold porphyry discovery in Chile's coastal range.

On 11 March 2025 Dr Nicole Adshead-Bell, Non-Executive Chairman and Mr Stephen Quin, Non-Executive Director tendered their resignations, effectively immediately.

Auditors' Independence Declaration

A copy of the auditor's independence declaration as required under section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 is set out immediately after this Directors' Report.

This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors made pursuant to section 306(3)(a) of the Corporations Act 2001.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by:

Christian Easterday

Managing Director

Dated this 13(th) day of March 2025

Perth, Western Australia

For the Auditor's Independence Declaration and the Indpendent Auditor's Review Report, please refer to SEDAR+.

Director's Declaration

In the opinion of the Directors:

a) the attached financial statements and notes thereto comply with the Corporations Act 2001, the accounting standards (including Australian Accounting Standard AASB 134 Interim Financial Reporting), the Corporations Regulations 2001 and other mandatory professional reporting requirements;

b) the attached financial statements and notes thereto give a true and fair view of the consolidated entity's financial position as at 31 December 2024 and of its performance for the half-year ended on that date; and

c) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors made pursuant to section 303(5)(a) of the Corporations Act 2001.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors by:

Christian Easterday

Managing Director

Dated this 13(th) day of March 2025

Perth, Western Australia

Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

For the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2024

                                                                                                 Consolidated Entity 
                                                                                                   Half-Year Ended 
                                                                                                 Dec 2024     Dec 2023 
                                                                                        Note            $            $ 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Interest income                                                                                   350,031      173,425 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
Total Income                                                                                      350,031      173,425 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
Depreciation                                                                                     (98,050)     (65,336) 
Corporate fees                                                                                  (254,732)    (221,257) 
Legal and professional                                                                          (654,930)    (290,490) 
Employee benefits expense                                                                     (1,065,067)    (961,504) 
Administration expenses                                                                         (680,568)    (454,355) 
Accounting fees                                                                                  (84,378)     (17,033) 
Marketing expenses                                                                              (595,620)    (607,061) 
Travel costs                                                                                            -    (100,003) 
Tenement write 
 off                                                                                     3    (2,909,169)            - 
Foreign exchange gain                                                                              98,946      207,735 
Share-based payments expense                                                                    (754,210)  (1,860,807) 
Direct costs expensed                                                                             (1,350)            - 
Finance costs                                                                                    (29,598)     (19,961) 
Total Expenses                                                                                (7,028,726)  (4,390,072) 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
Loss before income tax                                                                        (6,678,695)  (4,216,647) 
Income tax expense                                                                                      -            - 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
Loss After Income Tax                                                                         (6,678,695)  (4,216,647) 
Other comprehensive income                                                                              -            - 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
Total Comprehensive Loss                                                                      (6,678,695)  (4,216,647) 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
Loss Attributable To: 
Non-controlling interest                                                                        (169,212)     (85,113) 
Owners of Hot Chili Limited                                                                   (6,509,483)  (4,131,534) 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
                                                                                              (6,678,695)  (4,216,647) 
                                                                                              -----------  ----------- 
Basic and diluted loss per share (cents) attributable 
 to the owners of Hot Chili Limited                                                                (5.27)       (3.46) 

The above Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 December 2024

                                                     Consolidated Entity 
                                                     Dec 2024     June 2024 
                                           Note             $             $ 
---------------------------------------  ------  ------------  ------------ 
Current Assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                          19,032,095    33,741,518 
Other current assets                                  342,885       278,530 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total Current Assets                               19,374,980    34,020,048 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Non-Current Assets 
Plant and equipment                                   198,266       162,654 
Exploration and evaluation expenditure        3   224,663,494   215,831,609 
Right-of-use assets                           4       418,562       508,689 
Other non-current assets                              400,761       359,309 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total Non-Current Assets                          225,681,083   216,862,261 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total Assets                                      245,056,063   250,882,309 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Current Liabilities 
Trade and other payables                            2,803,139     2,608,414 
Provisions                                            237,209       267,526 
Lease liabilities                             5       181,779       162,588 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total Current Liabilities                           3,222,127     3,038,528 
Non-Current Liabilities 
Provisions                                             26,262        24,591 
Lease liabilities                             5       306,847       392,014 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total Non-Current Liabilities                         333,109       416,605 
Total Liabilities                                   3,555,236     3,455,133 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Net Assets                                        241,500,827   247,427,176 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Contributed equity                            8   297,713,521   297,651,726 
Share-based payments reserve                        7,136,250     6,445,699 
Foreign currency translation reserve                    1,222         1,222 
Accumulated losses                               (82,829,379)  (76,319,896) 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Capital and Reserves Attributable to 
 Owners of Hot Chili Limited                      222,021,614   227,778,751 
Non-controlling interest                           19,479,213    19,648,425 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 
Total Equity                                      241,500,827   247,427,176 
                                                 ------------  ------------ 

The above Statement of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Statement of Changes in Equity

For the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2024

                             Share-Based   Currency                  Non-Controlling 
                Contributed    Payments   Translation  Accumulated      Interest         Total 
Consolidated       Equity      Reserve      Reserve       Losses         ("NCI")         Equity 
Entity               $            $            $            $               $              $ 
--------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
Ended Dec 
Balance at 1 
 July 2024      297,651,726    6,445,699        1,222  (76,319,896)       19,648,425  247,427,176 
Loss for the 
 period                   -            -            -   (6,509,483)        (169,212)  (6,678,695) 
                -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Loss                     -            -            -   (6,509,483)        (169,212)  (6,678,695) 
                -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
Share issue 
 costs              (1,864)            -            -             -                -      (1,864) 
 exercised           63,659     (63,659)            -             -                -            - 
 payments                 -      754,210            -             -                -      754,210 
Balance at 
 31 Dec 2024    297,713,521    7,136,250        1,222  (82,829,379)       19,479,213  241,500,827 
                ===========  ===========  ===========  ============  ===============  =========== 
Ended Dec 
Balance at 1 
 July 2023      269,189,573    5,230,152        1,222  (71,081,853)       19,309,663  222,648,757 
Loss for the 
 period                   -            -            -   (4,131,534)         (85,113)  (4,216,647) 
                -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 Loss                     -            -            -   (4,131,534)         (85,113)  (4,216,647) 
                -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------  ---------------  ----------- 
 lapsed                   -  (2,331,333)            -     2,331,333                -            - 
 payments                 -    1,860,807            -             -                -    1,860,807 
Balance at 
 31 Dec 2023    269,189,573    4,759,626        1,222  (72,882,054)       19,224,550  220,292,917 
                ===========  ===========  ===========  ============  ===============  =========== 

The above Statement of Changes in Equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Statement of Cash Flows

For the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2024

                                                        Consolidated Entity 
                                                           Half-Year Ended 
                                                         Dec 2024     Dec 2023 
                                               Note             $            $ 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ------------  ----------- 
Cash Flows from Operating Activities 
Payments to suppliers and employees                   (3,522,097)  (2,802,824) 
Interest received                                         355,726      118,364 
Interest paid                                                 (6)        (943) 
Net Cash Used in Operating Activities                 (3,166,377)  (2,685,403) 
                                                     ------------  ----------- 
Cash Flows from Investing Activities 
Payments for plant and equipment                         (58,977)      (4,484) 
Payments for tenements                            3   (2,471,940)  (1,353,279) 
Payments for exploration and evaluation               (8,856,940)  (7,017,096) 
Proceeds on sale of NSR, net of transaction 
 costs                                                          -   21,286,690 
Net Cash (Used in)/Received from Investing 
 Activities                                          (11,387,857)   12,911,831 
                                                     ------------  ----------- 
Cash Flows from Financing Activities 
Share issue costs                                       (117,115)            - 
Repayment of lease liabilities                           (95,568)     (77,361) 
                                                     ------------  ----------- 
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities                   (212,683)     (77,361) 
                                                     ------------  ----------- 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash held                 (14,766,917)   10,149,067 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
 of the period                                         33,741,518    2,948,964 
Foreign exchange differences on cash                       57,494      222,855 
                                                     ------------  ----------- 
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the 
 Period                                                19,032,095   13,320,886 
                                                     ------------  ----------- 

The above Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Notes to the Financial Statements

For the Half-Year Ended 31 December 2024


Statement of Compliance

The half-year financial report is a general purpose financial report prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 and Australian Accounting Standard AASB 134 Interim Financial Reporting. Compliance with AASB 134 ensures compliance with International Financial Reporting Standard IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting.

The half-year financial report does not include full disclosures of the type normally included in an annual financial report. Accordingly, it is recommended that this financial report be read in conjunction with the annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024 and any public announcements made by Hot Chili Limited and its controlled entities during the half-year in accordance with the continuous disclosure requirements of the Corporations Act 2001.

Basis of Preparation

The same accounting policies and methods of computation have been followed in this interim financial report as were applied in the most recent annual financial statements, unless otherwise stated. The accounting policies are consistent with Australian Accounting Standards and with IFRS Standards.

New or Amended Accounting Standards and Interpretations Adopted

The consolidated entity has adopted all new or amended accounting standards, interpretations and other accounting pronouncements issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board ("AASB") that are effective for reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025 and therefore mandatory for the current reporting period.

Any new or amended accounting standards, interpretations and other accounting pronouncements that are not yet mandatory have not been early adopted.


The Company's operations are in one reportable business segment, being the exploration for Copper. The Company operates in one geographical segment, being Chile.

The operating segment information is the same information as provided throughout the consolidated financial statements and therefore not duplicated. The information reported to the CODM is on at least a monthly basis.


                                                        Consolidated Entity 
                                                       Half-Year    Year Ended 
                                                           Ended       30 June 
                                                     31 Dec 2024          2024 
                                                               $             $ 
--------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
Carrying amount at the beginning of the period       215,831,609   220,436,849 
Tenement write off(5)                                (2,909,169)             - 
Partial disposal of underlying mineral resource 
 and property rights, net of transaction costs (1)             -  (21,286,690) 
Consideration given for mineral exploration 
 acquisition(4)                                        2,471,940     2,625,969 
Capitalised mineral exploration and evaluation (2)     9,269,114    14,055,481 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
Carrying Amount at the End of the Period (3)         224,663,494   215,831,609 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
(1)  In July 2023, the Company closed a US$15 million investment by Osisko 
     Gold Royalties Limited, pursuant to which Hot Chili received proceeds of 
     US$15 million in exchange for the sale of a 1% NSR royalty on copper and 
     a 3% NSR royalty on gold across the Company's Costa Fuego Copper-Gold 
(2)  Capitalised mineral exploration and evaluation is net of reimbursements 
     of VAT recovered following approval for VAT refunds from the Chilean Tax 
(3)   Management have determined that the capitalised expenditure relating to 
      the projects in Chile are still in the exploration phase and are to be 
      classified as exploration and evaluation expenditure. In accordance with 
      AASB 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources, management 
      have assessed whether there are any indicators of impairment on the 
      capitalised expenditure as at balance date. In making this assessment 
      management have considered whether sufficient data exists to conclude 
      that the exploration and evaluation assets are unlikely to be recovered 
      in full from successful development or sale. Based on this assessment, 
      management are satisfied that there are no impairment indicators as at 
      balance date. 
(4)  Payments required under option and purchase agreements to secure 
     tenements together with associated taxes & registration costs. 
     The future realisation of these non-current assets is dependent on 
     further exploration and funding necessary to commercialise the resources 
     or realisation through sale. 
(5)  Marsellesa and Antofagasta Minerals S.A. (AMSA) Option agreements have 
     been terminated due to unsuccessful exploration assessments by the 
     Company. These terminations are not considered material to the 
     exploration program. 


                                           Consolidated Entity 
                                            Dec 2024   June 2024 
                                                   $           $ 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ---------- 
Right-of-use assets at cost                  831,495     831,495 
Less: Accumulated amortisation             (412,933)   (322,806) 
                                             418,562     508,689 
                                        ------------  ---------- 
                                           Half-Year  Year Ended 
                                               Ended     30 June 
                                         31 Dec 2024        2024 
Reconciliation of Right-of-Use Assets              $           $ 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ---------- 
Opening balance                              508,689     277,591 
Additions(1)                                       -     356,835 
Amortisation                                (90,127)   (125,737) 
Closing balance(2)                           418,562     508,689 
                                        ------------  ---------- 
1.  From the previous year up until 1 June 2024, the Chilean entities leased 
    their previous office premises at Avenida Isidora Goyenechea, Las Condes, 
    Santiago under an operating lease. The commitments for minimum lease 
    payments in relation to the previous Chilean office was previously 
    disclosed in Note 17(c) of the Company's annual report for the year ended 
    30 June 2023. Effective on 1 June 2024, the Chilean entities entered into 
    a new lease agreement for their new Chilean office premises at Lan Condes, 
    Santiago, Republic of Chile. This lease has a fixed term of 3 years, with 
    the option to renew for a further 3 years. The lease is denominated in 
    "Unidad de Fomento", or "Development Units", which is a Chilean 
    inflation-indexed unit of account. 
2.  During the year, the Company continued its leases for its premises at 768 
    Canning Highway, Applecross, Western Australia. The lease for the ground 
    floor terminates on 28 February 2025 and the lease for the first floor 
    terminates on 28 February 2026. 


                                         Consolidated Entity 
                                          Dec 2024   June 2024 
                                                 $           $ 
------------------------------------  ------------  ---------- 
Current                                    181,779     162,588 
Non-current                                306,847     392,014 
                                           488,626     554,602 
                                      ------------  ---------- 
                                         Half-Year  Year Ended 
                                             Ended     30 June 
                                       31 Dec 2024        2024 
Reconciliation of Lease Liabilities              $           $ 
------------------------------------  ------------  ---------- 
Opening balance                            554,602     333,608 
Additions                                        -     356,835 
Repayments                               (110,692)   (162,742) 
Interest                                    29,592      37,435 
Foreign exchange differences                15,124    (10,534) 
Closing balance                            488,626     554,602 
                                      ------------  ---------- 


(a) Exploration Commitments

In order to maintain current rights of tenure to exploration and mining tenements, the consolidated entity has the following discretionary exploration expenditure requirements up until the expiry of leases. These obligations are not provided for in the financial statements and are payable as follows:

                                                       Consolidated Entity 
                                                    31 Dec 2024  30 Jun 2024 
                                                              $            $ 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Within one year                                         402,123      377,415 
Later than one year but not later than five years     1,608,493    1,509,662 
More than five years                                  4,825,479    4,906,401 
                                                      6,836,095    6,793,478 
                                                    -----------  ----------- 

(b) Option Payment Commitments

The mining rights (which vary between 90% to 100%) of the various projects undertaken by Hot Chili will be transferred upon satisfaction of the option payments committed as at 31 December 2024, as tabled below:

                                                       Consolidated Entity 
                                                    31 Dec 2024  30 Jun 2024 
                                                              $            $ 
--------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Within one year                                       3,506,514    4,378,019 
Later than one year but not later than five years    32,765,000   22,388,285 
More than five years                                          -            - 
                                                     36,271,514   26,766,304 
                                                    -----------  ----------- 


a) VAT

As at 31 December 2024, Hot Chili Limited had accumulated:

   -- VAT refund payments of $15,434,266 (30 June 2024: $14,939,275) with 
      respect to VAT recovered as at 31 December 2024 by Sociedad Minera El 
      Águila SpA (refer to the table below); and 
   -- VAT refund payments of $10,157,243 (30 June 2024: $9,731,571) with 
      respect to VAT recovered as at 31 December 2024 by Sociedad Minera 
      Frontera SpA (refer to the table below). 
                                                        Consolidated Entity 
                                                        Dec 2024   June 2024 
                                                               $           $ 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
VAT recovered by Sociedad Minera El Águila SpA 
 (CLP 9,561,515; 30 June 2024: CLP 9,344,976,756 )    15,434,266  14,939,275 
VAT recovered by Sociedad Minera Frontera SpA 
 (CLP 6,292,404; 30 June 2024: CLP 6,087,397,302)     10,157,243   9,731,571 
Total VAT Recovered by Chilean Subsidiaries 
 (CLP 15,853,919; 30 June 2024: CLP 14,100,115,924)   25,591,509  24,670,846 
                                                      ----------  ---------- 

Under the initial terms of the VAT refund payment, the consolidated entity initially had until the 31 December 2019 to commercialise production from Productora and meet certain export targets. Hot Chili also had the right to extend this term. The Company exercised its right to extend the date of commercial production from Productora with the Chilean Tax Authority. An extension to the benefit was extended to 30 June 2022 and a further extension until 30 June 2026 was also granted. An agreement with Sociedad Minera Fronters SpA provides an extension to 31 December 2026 for exports related to the Cortadera deposit.

In the event that the term is not extended further and the Company does not meet certain export targets, the Company will be required to re-pay the VAT refund payments to the Chilean Tax Authority subject to certain terms and conditions. However, if Hot Chili achieves the export targets within that timeframe or its renewal, if required, any VAT refund payments will not be required to be repaid.

b) Future Royalty Payments

In July 2023, the Company closed an Investment Agreement with Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd ("Osisko"). Under the terms of the Investment Agreement Osisko purchased a net smelter return royalty comprising 1% of payable copper production and 3% of gold payable production. Hot Chili retains a buyback right if a change of control event occurs prior to the 4th anniversary of closing under the terms and conditions of the announcement dated 28 June 2023.


                                           Consolidated Entity 
                                   31 Dec 2024              30 June 2024 
a)       Share Capital      No. Shares             $  No. Shares             $ 
--------------------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Ordinary shares -- fully 
 paid                       151,420,450  297,713,521  151,345,206  297,651,726 
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

b) Movement in Ordinary Share Capital

Balance at the beginning 
 of the period              151,345,206  297,651,726  119,445,206  269,189,573 
Shares issued under 
 Private Placement to 
 institutional & 
 professional investors               -            -   24,900,000   24,900,000 
Shares issued under Share 
 Purchase Plan to eligible 
 shareholders                    75,244       63,659    7,000,000    7,000,000 
Less: Costs associated 
 issue of share capital               -      (1,864)            -  (3,437,847) 
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Balance at the End of the 
 Period                     151,420,450  297,713,521  151,345,206  297,651,726 
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

c) Unlisted Options Over Ordinary Share Capital

                     Balance at     the     Expiry /     Balance   Exercisable 
 Issue     Expiry    1 July 2024  Period     Exercise   at 31 Dec   at 31 Dec 
  Date      Date         No.        No.        No.      2024 No.    2024 No. 
--------  ---------  -----------  -------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
 20 Sep    30 Sep 
  2021       2024     1,850,001      -     (1,850,001)      -           - 
 4 Sep     28 Jan 
  2022       2025     1,259,789      -          -       1,259,789   1,259,789 
 25 Jul    25 Jul 
 2024(1)     2026     1,914,000      -          -       1,914,000   1,914,000 
                      5,023,790      -     (1,850,001)  3,173,789   3,173,789 
                     -----------  -------  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
1  Approved at the General Meeting of Shareholders on 4 July 2024. 

The weighted average exercise price of options on issue is $2.07 (30 June 2024: $2.16). The weighted average remaining contractual life of options outstanding at the end of the period was 0.08 years (30 June 2024: 0.38 years)


d) Service Rights

                                          the                          Exercisable 
          Last    Expiry   Balance at   Period   Lapsed /    Balance    at 31 Dec 
Grant    Vesting   Date    1 July 2024    (2)    Exercise   at 31 Dec   2024 (3) 
 Date      Day      (1)        No.        No.       No.     2024 No.       No. 
------  --------  -------  -----------  -------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
10 May   31 Dec   12 May 
 2023     2023      2028     938,953       -     (47,404)    891,549     891,549 
10 May   31 Dec   12 May 
 2023     2024      2028     938,955       -     (55,692)    883,263     883,263 
10 May   31 Dec   12 May 
 2023     2025      2028     938,956       -     (111,384)   827,572        - 
21 Aug   31 Dec   22 Aug 
 2023     2023      2028     115,006       -      (8,333)    106,673     106,673 
21 Aug   31 Dec   22 Aug 
 2023     2024      2028     115,006       -         -       115,006     115,006 
21 Aug   31 Dec   22 Aug 
 2023     2025      2028     114,988       -         -       114,988        - 
1 Jul    31 Dec    6 Jan 
 2024     2024      2030        -       115,231      -       115,231     115,231 
1 Jul    31 Dec    6 Jan 
 2024     2025      2030        -       237,682      -       237,682        - 
                            3,161,864   352,913  (222,813)  3,291,964   2,111,722 
                           -----------  -------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
1  Later expiry dates apply if service rights have vested on or before the 
   last vesting day. 
2  There were 352,913 service rights issued during the period. 
3  Denotes service rights exercisable as a result of vesting conditions being 
   met during the year. 

e) Performance Rights

                                          the                          Exercisable 
          Last    Expiry   Balance at   Period   Lapsed /    Balance    at 31 Dec 
Grant    Vesting   Date    1 July 2024    (2)    Exercise   at 31 Dec   2024 (3) 
 Date      Day      (1)        No.        No.       No.     2024 No.       No. 
------  --------  -------  -----------  -------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
10 May   31 Dec   12 May 
 2023     2023      2028     290,480       -     (16,591)    273,889     273,889 
10 May   31 Dec   12 May 
 2023     2024      2028     290,485       -     (38,984)    251,501     251,501 
10 May   31 Dec   12 May 
 2023     2025      2028    1,286,433      -     (172,646)  1,113,787       - 
10 May   10 May   12 May 
 2023     2026      2028     622,466       -     (83,538)    538,928        - 
21 Aug   31 Dec   22 Aug 
 2023     2023      2028     40,244        -      (2,916)    37,328      37,328 
21 Aug   31 Dec   22 Aug 
 2023     2024      2028     40,244        -         -       40,244      40,244 
21 Aug   31 Dec   22 Aug 
 2023     2025      2028     178,262       -         -       178,262        - 
21 Aug   21 Aug   22 Aug 
 2023     2026      2028     86,250        -         -       86,250         - 
1 Jul    31 Dec    6 Jan 
 2024     2024      2030        -       40,371       -       40,371      40,371 
1 Jul    31 Dec    6 Jan 
 2024     2025      2030        -       232,531      -       232,531        - 
1 Jul    21 Aug    6 Jan 
 2024     2026      2030        -       93,192       -       93,192         - 
                            2,834,864   366,094  (314,675)  2,886,283    643,333 
                           -----------  -------  ---------  ---------  ----------- 
1  Later expiry dates apply if performance rights have vested on or before the 
   last vesting day. 
2  There were 366,094 performance rights issued during the period. 
3  Denotes performance rights exercisable as a result of vesting conditions 
   being met during the year. 


Remuneration, share-based payments and other arrangements of key management personnel are disclosed in the annual financial report for the year ended 30 June 2024. These arrangements with related parties continued to be in place during the period. No further related party arrangements were made, nor were there further related party transactions during the half-year period to 31 December 2024.


On 6 January 2025, the Company issued 352,913 Service Rights and 366,094 Performance Rights under an employee incentive scheme. The Service and Performance Rights have been issued effective from the individuals start dates with the Company.

On 7 January 2025, the Company announced that 1,850,001 options had expired without exercise or conversion.

On 4 February 2025, the Company announced that 1,259,789 options had expired without exercise or conversion.

On 11 February 2025, Hot Chili reported a second round of strong assay results from its La Verde copper-gold discovery, located approximately 30km south of the Company's Costa Fuego Copper-Gold Project planned central processing hub at low elevation in the coastal range of the Atacama region, Chile. The Company has now completed 19 RC drill holes (5,700 m) at La Verde, with assay results from 12 holes reported so far confirming a major copper-gold porphyry discovery in Chile's coastal range.

On 11 March 2025 Dr Nicole Adshead-Bell, Non-Executive Chairman and Mr Stephen Quin, Non-Executive Director tendered their resignations, effectively immediately.

The Directors are not aware of any other matters or circumstances that have arisen since the end of the financial period which significantly affected or may significantly affect the operations of the consolidated entity the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the consolidated entity in future financial periods.


No dividends were paid or declared for the period.

This section does not form part of the notes to the financial statements.

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024

Cortadera Project

                                                                Area  Agreement 
License ID                  HCH % Held          HCH % Earning   (ha)  Details 
--------------------------  ------------------  --------------  ----  --------- 
 MAGDALENITA 1/20           100% Frontera SpA                   100 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  --------- 
 ATACAMITA 1/82             100% Frontera SpA                    82 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 AMALIA 942 A 1/6           100% Frontera SpA                    53 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 10 B 1/16          100% Frontera SpA                   136 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 11 B 1/30          100% Frontera SpA                   249 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 12 B 1/30          100% Frontera SpA                   294 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 13 B 1/30          100% Frontera SpA                   264 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 14 B 1/30          100% Frontera SpA                   265 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 15 B 1/30          100% Frontera SpA                   200 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 22 A 1/30          100% Frontera SpA                   300 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 24 1/24            100% Frontera SpA                   183 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 25 A 1/19          100% Frontera SpA                   156 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 26 A 1/30          100% Frontera SpA                   294 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 PAULINA 27A 1/30           100% Frontera SpA                   300 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 CORTADERA 1 1/200          100% Frontera SpA                   200 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 CORTADERA 2 1/200          100% Frontera SpA                   200 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 CORTADERA 41               100% Frontera SpA                    1 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 CORTADERA 42               100% Frontera SpA                    1 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 LAS CANAS 16               100% Frontera SpA                    1 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 LAS CANAS 1/15             100% Frontera SpA                   146 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 CORTADERA 1/40             100% Frontera SpA                   374 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 LAS CANAS ESTE 2003 1/30   100% Frontera SpA                   300 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 CORROTEO 1 1/260           100% Frontera SpA                   260 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ---- 
 CORROTEO 5 1/261           100% Frontera SpA                   261 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  --------- 
 PURISIMA                   100% Frontera SpA                    20    NSR 1.5% 
--------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  --------- 
Note.  Frontera SpA is a 100% owned subsidiary company of Hot Chili Limited 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

Productora Project

License ID          HCH % Held     HCH % Earning   Area (ha)  Details 
------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 1 1/60        80% SMEA SpA                      220 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 2 1/20        80% SMEA SpA                      100 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 3 1/20        80% SMEA SpA                      100 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 4 1/20        80% SMEA SpA                      100 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 5 1/20        80% SMEA SpA                      100 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 6 1/26        80% SMEA SpA                      130 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 7 1/37        80% SMEA SpA                      176 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 8 1/30        80% SMEA SpA                      120 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 12 1/40       80% SMEA SpA                      200 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 13 1/40       80% SMEA SpA                      200 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 14 1/40       80% SMEA SpA                      200 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 15 1/60       80% SMEA SpA                      300 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 18, 1/60      80% SMEA SpA                      273 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 FRAN 21, 1/46      80% SMEA SpA                      226 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ALGA 7 A 1/32      80% SMEA SpA                      89 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ALGA VI 5/24       80% SMEA SpA                      66 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 MONTOSA 1/4        80% SMEA SpA                      35       NSR 3% 
------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CHICA              80% SMEA SpA                       1 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ESPERANZA 1/5      80% SMEA SpA                      11 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 LEONA 2A 1/4       80% SMEA SpA                      10 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CARMEN I, 1/50     80% SMEA SpA                      222 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CARMEN II, 1/60    80% SMEA SpA                      274 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ZAPA 1 1/10        80% SMEA SpA                      100 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ZAPA 3 1/23        80% SMEA SpA                      92 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ZAPA 5A 1/16       80% SMEA SpA                      80 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ZAPA 7 1/24        80% SMEA SpA                      120 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
  1/9               80% SMEA SpA                      50 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CUENCA A 1/51      80% SMEA SpA                      255 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CUENCA B 1/28      80% SMEA SpA                      139 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CUENCA C 1/51      80% SMEA SpA                      255 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CUENCA D           80% SMEA SpA                       3 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CUENCA E           80% SMEA SpA                       1 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 CHOAPA 1/10        80% SMEA SpA                      50 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 ELQUI 1/14         80% SMEA SpA                      61 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 LIMARÍ 1/15   80% SMEA SpA                      66 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 LOA 1/6            80% SMEA SpA                      30 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 MAIPO 1/10         80% SMEA SpA                      50 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 
 TOLTÉN 1/14   80% SMEA SpA                      70 
------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ---------------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

Productora Project (Cont'd)

License ID     HCH % Held   HCH % Earning   (ha)   Agreement Details 
-------------  -----------  --------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1 1/20       80% SMEA SpA                 100 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  2 1/60       80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  3 1/60       80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1/16         80% SMEA SpA                  75 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1/20         80% SMEA SpA                  82 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1A 1/8       80% SMEA SpA                  35 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
                                                   25-year Lease Agreement 
                                                   US$250,000 per year (average for the 25 
  URANIO 1/70                                      year term); plus 2% NSR all but gold; 
                0 %          0 %             350   4% NSR gold; 5% NSR non-metallic 
-------------  -----------  --------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 9, 1/60  80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 10, 
  1/60         80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 11, 
  1/60         80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 12, 
  1/42         80% SMEA SpA                 210 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 13, 
  1/20         80% SMEA SpA                 100 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 14, 
  1/50         80% SMEA SpA                 250 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 15, 
  1/55         80% SMEA SpA                 275 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 16 1/60  80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 17 1/20  80% SMEA SpA                 100 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 19       80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 20       80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 21 1/60  80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 22       80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 23 1/60  80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 24 1/60  80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 25       80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 27, 
  1/30         80% SMEA SpA                 146 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 27 B, 
  1/10         80% SMEA SpA                  48 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULI 28, 
  1/60         80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULIETA 5     80% SMEA SpA                 200 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULIETA 6     80% SMEA SpA                 200 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULIETA 7     80% SMEA SpA                 100 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULIETA 8     80% SMEA SpA                 100 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULIETA 9     80% SMEA SpA                 100 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1/60         80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULIETA 11    80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
 JULIETA 12    80% SMEA SpA                 300 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1/60         80% SMEA SpA                 298 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1/60         80% SMEA SpA                 269 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 
  1/40         80% SMEA SpA                 200 
-------------  ---------------------------  ----  ---------------------------------------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

Productora Project (Cont'd)

License ID         HCH % Held     HCH % Earning   Area (ha)  Agreement Details 
-----------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 JULIETA 16        80% SMEA SpA                      200 
-----------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 JULIETA 17        80% SMEA SpA                      200 
-----------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 JULIETA 18 1/40   80% SMEA SpA                      200 
-----------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 ARENA 1 1/6       80% SMEA SpA                      40 
-----------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 ARENA 2 1/17      80% SMEA SpA                      113 
-----------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 ZAPA 1/6          80% SMEA SpA                       6      GSR 1% 
-----------------  -------------  --------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 JULIETA 1/4       80% SMEA SpA                       4 
-----------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ----------------- 
Note.  SMEA SpA is subsidiary company - 80% owned by Hot Chili 
       Limited, 20% owned by CMP (Compañía Minera 
       del Pacífico) 

El Fuego Project

                                                       Exploration and 
                                                 Area  Expenditure Commitment- 
Licence ID   HCH % Held      HCH % Earning       (ha)  Payments 
-----------  --------------  ------------------  ----  -------------------------- 
                                                        100% HCH Purchase Option 
                                                        USD 300,000 already paid. 
                                                        US$1,000,000 payable 
                                                        September 30th 2024 
                                                        US$1,000,000 payable 
                                                        September 30th 2025 
                                                        US$2,000,000 payable by 
                                                        September 30th 2026 to 
                                                        exercise the El Fuego 
                                                        Option.   (2 additional 
                                                        and conditional payments 
                                                        of USD 2,000,000, each 
                                                        one, to be paid by 
                                                        December 31, 2030 under 
                                                        certain conditions 
                                                        detailed at 
                                                        title "Tenement Changes 
 SANTIAGO                                               During the Quarter" of 
 21/36                       10% Frontera SpA     76    this quarterly report.) 
-----------  --------------  ------------------  ----  -------------------------- 
 SANTIAGO 37/43               100% Frontera SpA  26 
---------------------------   -----------------  ----  -------------------------- 
 SANTIAGO A, 1/26             100% Frontera SpA  244 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SANTIAGO B, 1/20             100% Frontera SpA  200 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SANTIAGO C, 1/30             100% Frontera SpA  300 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SANTIAGO D, 1/30             100% Frontera SpA  300 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SANTIAGO E, 1/30             100% Frontera SpA  300 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PRIMA 1                      100% Frontera SpA  1 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PRIMA 2                      100% Frontera SpA  2 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SANTIAGO 15/19               100% Frontera SpA  25 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SAN ANTONIO 1/5              100% Frontera SpA  25 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SANTIAGO 1/4 Y 20            100% Frontera SpA  75 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 ROMERO 1/31                  100% Frontera SpA  31 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 MERCEDES 1/3                 100% Frontera SpA  50 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 KRETA 1/4                    100% Frontera SpA  16 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 MARI 1/12                    100% Frontera SpA  64 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA VII 1/60            100% Frontera SpA  270 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA VIII 1/60           100% Frontera SpA  300 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SANTIAGO Z 1/30              100% Frontera SpA  300 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA IX 1/60             100% Frontera SpA  300 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA A 1/33              100% Frontera SpA  160 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA C 1/60              100% Frontera SpA  300 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA E 1/20              100% Frontera SpA  100 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA F 1/50              100% Frontera SpA  240 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SAN JUAN SUR 1/5             100% Frontera SpA  10 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 SAN JUAN SUR 6/23            100% Frontera SpA  90 
---------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORFIADA G  100% Frontera SpA                   200 
-----------  ----------------------------------  ----  -------------------------- 
  1          100% Frontera SpA                   200 
-----------  ----------------------------------  ----  -------------------------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

El Fuego Project (Cont'd)

Licence ID       HCH % Held          HCH % Earning   Area (ha)  Payments 
---------------  ------------------  --------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CORTADERA 2     100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CORTADERA 3     100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CORTADERA 4     100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CORTADERA 5     100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
  1/60           100% Frontera SpA                      265 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
  1/20           100% Frontera SpA                      93 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 SAN ANTONIO 1   100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 SAN ANTONIO 2   100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 SAN ANTONIO 3   100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 SAN ANTONIO 4   100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 SAN ANTONIO 5   100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 DORO 1          100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 DORO 2          100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 DORO 3          100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA I      100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA II     100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA III    100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA IV     100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  --------- 
 PORFIADA V      100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA X      100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA VI     100% Frontera SpA                      100 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA B      100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 PORFIADA D      100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 1        100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 3        100% Frontera SpA                      100 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 4        100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 5        100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 6        100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 7        100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 8        100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 9        100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 10 1/38  100% Frontera SpA                      190 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 11       100% Frontera SpA                      200 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 12 1/60  100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 13       100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 14       100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 15       100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 16       100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 17       100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 CHILIS 18       100% Frontera SpA                      300 
---------------  ----------------------------------  ---------  -------------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

El Fuego Project (Cont'd)

                                                             Area  Commitment- 
Licence ID               HCH % Held          HCH % Earning   (ha)  Payments 
-----------------------  ------------------  --------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 1                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 2                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 3                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 4                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 5                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 6                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 7                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 8                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 9                 100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLAR 10                100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLEDAD 1               100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLEDAD 2               100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLEDAD 3               100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 SOLEDAD 4               100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 1                    100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 2                    100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 3                    100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 4                    100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 5                    100% Frontera SpA                   200 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CHAPULIN COLORADO 1/3   100% Frontera SpA                    3 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 PEGGY SUE 1/10          100% Frontera SpA                   100 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 DONA FELIPA 1/10        100% Frontera SpA                    50 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 ELEANOR RIGBY 1/10      100% Frontera SpA                   100 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 6                    100% Frontera SpA                   200 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 7                    100% Frontera SpA                   100 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 8                    100% Frontera SpA                   200 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 CF 9                    100% Frontera SpA                   100 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 MARI 1                  100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 MARI 6                  100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 MARI 8                  100% Frontera SpA                   300 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 FALLA MAIPO 2 1/10      100% Frontera SpA                    99 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 FALLA MAIPO 3 1/8       100% Frontera SpA                    72 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 
 FALLA MAIPO 4 1/26      100% Frontera SpA                    26 
-----------------------  ----------------------------------  ----  ----------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

El Fuego Project (Cont'd)

                                                        Exploration and 
                                                  Area  Expenditure Commitment- 
Licence ID    HCH % Held      HCH % Earning       (ha)  Payments 
------------  --------------  ------------------  ----  ------------------------- 
                                                         100% HCH Purchase Option 
                                                         Agreement USD 100,000 
                                                         already paid US$200,000 
                                                         payable by November 14th 
                                                         2025 US$3,700,000 
                                                         payable by November 
                                                         14(th) 2027 NSR 1% for 
                                                         underground mining and 
 CORDILLERA   Option                                     1,5% for open-pit 
 1/5          Cordillera      100% Frontera SpA    20    mining 
------------  --------------  ------------------  ----  ------------------------- 
 QUEBRADA 1/10                 100% Frontera SpA   28 
----------------------------   -----------------  ----  ------------------------- 
 ALBORADA III 1/35             100% Frontera SpA  162 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 ALBORADA IV 1/20              100% Frontera SpA   54 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 ALBORADA VII 1/25             100% Frontera SpA   95 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 CAT IX 1/30                   100% Frontera SpA  150 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 CATITA IX 1/20                100% Frontera SpA  100 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 CATITA XII 1/13               100% Frontera SpA   61 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 MINA HERREROS III 1/6         100% Frontera SpA   18 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 MINA HERREROS IV 1/10         100% Frontera SpA   23 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 HERREROS 1/14                 100% Frontera SpA   28 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 VETA 1/17                     100% Frontera SpA   17 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 PORSIACA 1/20                 100% Frontera SpA   20 
----------------------------   -----------------  ----  ------------------------- 
                                                        100% HCH Purchase Option 
                                                        Agreement US$100,000 paid 
                                                        at signature (already 
                                                        satisfied) US$100,000 
                                                        payable by November 
                                                        14(th) 2024 (pending a 
                                                        registration issue and 
                                                        subject to company 
                                                        decision to continue the 
                                                        option) US$150,000 
                                                        payable by November 
                                                        14(th) 2025 
 MARSELLESA   Option                                    US$1,000,000 by November 
 1/5          Marsellesa      100% Frontera SpA    50   14, 2027 NSR 1% 
------------  --------------  ------------------  ----  ------------------------- 
                                                        Option may be exercised, 
                                                        alternatively, within 12, 
                                                        18 or 30 months of the 
                                                        date of grant at the 
                                                        discretion of the Hot 
                                                        Chile --  If the Option 
                                                        is exercised within 12 
                                                        months the price is 
                                                        US$2.500.000: a) 
                                                        US$100,000 already 
                                                        satisfied and b) US$ 
                                                        2.400.000 within 12 
                                                        months from the date of 
                                                        grant of the Option. 
                                                        --  If the Option is 
                                                        exercised within 18 or 30 
                                                        months the price is 
                                                        US$2.700.000 or 
                                                        US$3.300.000, depending 
                                                        on the date the Option is 
                                                        exercised, as indicated 
                                                        below: a) US$100,000 
                                                        already satisfied; b) 
                                                        US$200,000 within 12 
                                                        months from the grant of 
                                                        the Option; and c) If the 
                                                        Option is exercised, the 
                                                        consideration payable  to 
                                                        Bastion to purchase the 
                                                        Cometa concessions is 
                                                        US$2,400,000 if the 
                                                        Option is exercised by 
                                                        Hot Chili within 18 
                                                        months from the date of 
                                                        grant of the Option 
                                                        or.US$3,000,000 if the 
                                                        Option is exercised by 
                                                        Hot Chili within 30 
                                                        months from the date of 
                                                        grant of the Option. Hot 
                                                        Chili may, subject to 
                                                        applicable regulatory 
                                                        approvals, including the 
                                                        approval of the TSX 
                                                        Venture Exchange 
                                                        ("TSXV"), elect to 
                                                        satisfy the purchase 
                                                        consideration in cash 
                                                        (100%), or in cash (50%) 
                                                        and ordinary shares of 
                                                        Hot Chili (50%) issued at 
                                                        a price per share equal 
                                                        to the greater of (i) the 
                                                        15-day VWAP at the date 
                                                        of exercise of the 
                                                        Option, and (ii) the 
 COMETA 1                                               minimum price permitted 
 1/60         Option Cometa   100% Frontera SpA   300   by the TSXV. 
------------  --------------  ------------------  ----  ------------------------- 
 COMETA 2 1/60                 100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ----  ------------------------- 
 COMETA 3 1/60                 100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA NORTE 1 B 1/40         100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA NORTE 2 B 1/40         100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA ESTE 1B                100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA ESTE 2B                100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA ESTE 3B                100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA ESTE 4B                100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA 4B                     100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA SUR UNO D              100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA SUR DOS D              100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA 4A                     100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA 3D                     100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA IV D                   100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA V D                    100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA VI D                   100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA NORTE 1 D              100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA NORTE 2 D              100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA NORTE 3 D              100% Frontera SpA  300 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA NORTE 4 D              100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA NORTE 5 D              100% Frontera SpA  100 
----------------------------   -----------------  ---- 
 COMETA OESTE I D              100% Frontera SpA  200 
----------------------------   -----------------  ----  ------------------------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

El Fuego Project (Cont'd)

                                                          Exploration and 
Licence ID     HCH % Held      HCH % Earning   Area (ha)  Payments 
-------------  --------------  --------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 COMETA OESTE II D               SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                                          100% HCH Purchase 
                                                          Option Agreement 
                                                          US$120,000 (already 
                                                          US$100,000 payable 
                                                          by April 19th 2025 
                                                          US$100,000 payable 
                                                          by April 19th 2026 
                                                          US$200,000 payable 
                                                          by April 19th 2027 
                                                          US$3.480,000 payable 
ANTONIO 1                      100% Frontera              by April 19th 2028 
1/56           Option Domeyko  SpA                280     NSR 1% 
-------------  --------------  --------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 ANTONIO 1/40                    SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 ANTONIO 10 1/21                 SpA              63 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 ANTONIO 19 1/30                 SpA              128 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 ANTONIO 21 1/20                 SpA              60 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 ANTONIO 5 1/40                  SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 ANTONIO 9 1/40                  SpA              193 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 EMILIO 1 1/8                    SpA              38 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 EMILIO 3 1/9                    SpA              45 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 INES 1/40                       SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 LORENA 1/2                      SpA               2 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 MERCEDITA 1/7                   SpA              22 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 PRIMO 1 1/6                     SpA              36 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 SANTIAGUITO 5 1/24              SpA              114 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 1                       SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 2                       SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 3                       SpA              300 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 4                       SpA              300 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 5                       SpA              100 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 6                       SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 7                       SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CAZURRO 8                       SpA              200 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CERRO MOLY 1                    SpA              300 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CERRO MOLY 2                    SpA              300 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CERRO MOLY 3                    SpA              300 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                100% Frontera 
 CERRO MOLY 4                    SpA              300 
-----------------------------   -------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 1      100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 2      100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 3      100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 4      100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 5      100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 6      100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

El Fuego Project (Cont'd)

                                                          Exploration and 
Licence ID     HCH % Held      HCH % Earning   Area (ha)  Payments 
-------------  --------------  --------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 7      100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
CF SUR 8       100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 9      100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 10     100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
CF SUR 11      100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 12     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 13     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 14     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 15     100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 16     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 17     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 18     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 19     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 20     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 21     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 22     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 23     100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 24     100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 25     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 26     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 27     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 28     100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 29     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 30     100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 31     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 32     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 33     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 34     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF SUR 35     100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF 10         100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF 11         100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF 12         100% Frontera SpA                  100 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF 13         100% Frontera SpA                  200 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 CF 14         100% Frontera SpA                  300 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
                                                          100% HCH Purchase 
                                                          Option Agreement 
                                                          US$320,000 (already 
                                                          US$680,000 payable 
                                                          by October 25th 2025 
                                                          US$1000,000 payable 
                                                          by October 25th 2026 
                                                          US$6.890,000 payable 
 DOMINOCEROS                   100% Frontera              by October 25th 
 1/20                          SpA                100     2027 
-------------  --------------  --------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 ALCENIA 1/10  100% SMEA SpA                      50 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 
 ALGA VI 4     100% SMEA SpA                       2 
-------------  ------------------------------  ---------  -------------------- 

Table 3: Current Tenement (Patente) Holdings in Chile as at 31 Dec 2024 (Cont'd)

El Fuego Project (Cont'd)

                                                       Exploration and Expenditure 
Licence ID  HCH % Held      HCH % Earning   Area (ha)   Commitment- Payments 
----------  --------------  --------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
  1/40      100% SMEA SpA                      40 
----------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
  1/5       100% SMEA SpA                      25 
----------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
 MINORI 1   100% SMEA SpA                      300 
----------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
 MINORI 2   100% SMEA SpA                      300 
----------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
 MINORI 3   100% SMEA SpA                      300 
----------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
 MINORI 4   100% SMEA SpA                      300 
----------  ------------------------------  ---------  ---------------------------- 
Note.  Frontera SpA is a 100% owned subsidiary company of Hot Chili Limited. 
Note.  SMEA SpA is subsidiary company - 80% owned by Hot Chili Limited, 20% 
       owned by CMP (Compañía Minera del Pacífico). 

Corporate Directory

Directors                                  Solicitors 
Dr Nicole Adshead-Bell (Resigned 11        Australia 
March 2025) 
(Independent Non-Executive Chairman)       Blackwall Legal LLP 
                                           Level 26, 140 St George's Terrace 
Christian Easterday                        PERTH WA 6000 
(Managing Director) 
Roberto de Andraca Adriasola               Bennet Jones 
(Non-Executive Director)                   3400 One First Canadian Place 
                                           P.O. Box 130 
Mark Jamieson                              Toronto ON, M5X 1A4 
(Non-Executive Director) 
                                           Share Registries 
Stephen Quin (Resigned 11 March 2025) 
(Independent Non-Executive Director)       Australia 
                                           Computershare Investor 
Company Secretary                          Services Pty Limited 
Carol Marinkovich                          Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace 
                                           PERTH WA 6000 
Executive Management                       Telephone:     +61 (0)8 9323 2000 
                                           Facsimile:       +61 (0)8 9323 2033 
Jose Ignacio Silva 
(Executive Vice President)                 Canada 
                                           Computershare Investor Services Inc 
Grant King                                 100 University Ave, 8th Floor 
(Chief Operating Officer)                  Toronto ON, M5J 2Y1 
                                           Telephone:     +1 416 263 9200 
Principal Place of Business                Facsimile:       +1 888 453 0330 
 and Registered Office 
First Floor, 768 Canning Highway           Auditor 
Telephone: +61 (0)8 9315 9009              RSM Australia Partners 
Facsimile: +61 (0)8 9315 5004               Level 32, Exchange Tower 
Email:       2 The Esplanade 
Web:           PERTH WA 6000 
Stock Exchange Codes                       Principal Banker 
ASX:           HCH                         Westpac Banking Corporation 
                                            Hannan Street 
                                            KALGOORLIE WA 6430 
                                            National Australia Bank 
                                            Level 12, 100 St Georges Terrace 
                                             PERTH WA 6000 
TSXV:         HCH 

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SOURCE Hot Chili Limited


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 14, 2025 07:00 ET (11:00 GMT)

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